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Warmest thanks to all our customers, potential customers and partners for visiting our stand at EUROSATORY, and for making our participation a success.

We are very pleased with the quality of visitors who came up to our stand to discover
solutions we can offer, making us a leader in the embedded industrial IT sector.

The show allowed us to present our ECRIN "ready-to-apply" product ranges:

OPALE V2 series: intelligent industrial PCs that can be managed locally and remotely
ONYX series: COTS & Modified COTS SWaP-C ECUs qualified for Mil/Aero applications
TOPAZE series: HPEC multi-slot systems

On our stand, you also had the opportunity to talk with our partner RELYUM/SoC-e System-on-Chip Engineering, S.L., manufacturer of Ethernet Switches, routers, TSN, …

We hope you enjoyed meeting us and that we provided you with the information you needed.

If you have any questions about our products or would like further information, our team will be delighted to help you. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us