CSR is one of our major concerns. More than half of all companies with 50 or more employees are involved in corporate social responsibility. ECRIN Systems is one of those companies!
Our future is unconditionally connected to the health of the environment. Let's stop thinking we're above it or outside it. Definitely.
CSR is even proving to be a vector for economic performance, driving innovation and progress.
According to a Goodwill-management study, there is a real relationship between CSR labeling and the economic performance of companies. For companies with less than 250 employees, growth rate is around 7.6% a year, compared with 1.6% only on average. This is a significant performance lever.
Corporate responsibility: more than an obligation, a rewarding performance lever!
However, not all companies are labelled, and the implications may be less significant with different practices. Some companies will be more attentive to sustainable development issues in their purchasing policy, or to respecting the biodiversity, and other will focus more on social issues. One of the most common actions is waste prevention and recycling.
Let’s go 70 years back to observe the concept of CSR by Mr. Howard Bowen, who used this moral notion for the first time in his book “The Social Responsibilities of the Businessman”. He is considered as the founding father of CSR. The concept spread throughout the business world.
In 2011, according to the European Commission, corporate social responsibility is based on 3 pillars: economic, social and environmental. 2013 saw the launch of ISO 26000, the 1st truly international standard for corporate social responsibility. It is the result of many years of negotiations, and represents a consensus between numerous worldwide stakeholders.
Let's get involved with ECRIN Systems! Our CSR commitments cover :
![]() RESPONSIBLE AND TRANSPARENT GOVERNANCE * Integrate economic, social and environmental issues into business decisions and operations, * Involve the participation and commitment of stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers and local communities. * Optimize risk management and internal control resources. * Practice a respectful recruitment policy. | ![]() HUMAN RIGHTS * Respect the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. * Respect the inclusion and diversity of our workforce. * Give disabled people access to the workplace. * Emphasize social dialogue and collective bargaining, and encourage employees' freedom of expression and association. * Deploy a health and safety policy that complies with national and international industry standards. |
![]() LABOUR LAW * Comply with national legislation of labor law, and apply the principles enshrined in the main international conventions. * Not resort to the employment of foreigners without a work permit, to human trafficking or to trafficking in foreign labor. * Ensure equality of opportunity and treatment in employment, which implies avoiding any discrimination on grounds of ethnic origin, morals, gender, age, trade union membership, political or religious opinions. | ![]() FAIR PRACTICES * Implement measures against corruption and undertake to never, directly or indirectly, offer, promise, grant or solicit illicit payments or other advantages in order to obtain or retain business. These values are communicated to all employees, partners, subcontractors and suppliers through a code of ethics. |
![]() ENVIRONMENT * Take into account European regulations (ROHS, REACH, etc.) regarding the identification of hazardous chemical substances right from the product design stage. * Integrating optimal research into system maintainability and repairability into our technical developments. * Responsible purchasing, favoring short-distance shipping and maritime transport. * Increasing the amount of waste recycled | ![]() QUALITY OF WORKPLACE ECRIN SYSTEMS offers its employees : * A safe and healthy working environment * Clean and secure premises * A fully-equipped catering room with round-the-clock access * Water fountains and a convivial coffee-break area * Ergonomic furniture * The possibility of teleworking * The right to disconnect |
Over the past year, many actions have been undertaken. There are still many to engage in 2025, with new indicators to be deployed, such as monitoring electricity consumption or the quantity of waste recycled.
Our customers encourage, motivate and support us in our CSR commitments. We are regularly requested to sign their Responsible Purchasing Charter.
The aim of these charters is to express the customer expectations with regard to their suppliers and subcontractors. It is a mark of their determination to place CSR selection criteria at the same level as cost, quality, service, innovation and risk management criteria over the long term.
For our suppliers and subcontractors themselves, codes of ethics are in place. They are also required to complete dedicated compliance questionnaires and matrices.
ECRIN SYSTEMS notified by EcoVadis
EcoVadis offers company’s assessment service of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy.
EcoVadis has become the world's largest and most prestigious provider of sustainability ratings. Currently it partners with more than 130 000 rated companies.
Being notified by EcoVadis enables companies to:
- Increase the trust and loyalty of a company's customers and partners;
- Benefit from greater safety and operational efficiency;
- Improve corporate image and reduce staff turnover.
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