Specific industrial PC for toll lane application
Between Paris, Strasbourg and Marseille, travelling through The Alpes, the temperature variations in the road toll booths vary between -15°C and + 45°C. At the same time, the footprint remains very constrained and maintenance must be done urgently not to slow traffic. Our client was looking for a long-lasting industrial partner to produce a custom-made computer that meets these specifications and many others.

Installed outdoors in toll booths, this specific development has met several needs: reduced footprint, numerous functionalities, fast and easy maintenance (large systems park), compliance with environmental constraints.
- Mechanical development (folded stainless steel sheet specific rack)
- Electronic development (connectors transfer and remote reset)
- Software development (system supervision)
- Optimum MTTR (easy access to the battery without stopping or opening the computer, without any tool, in less than 10 seconds, …)
- Project management
- CE certification and environmental qualification (temperature, hygrometry, …),
- Production of series

- Stainless steel specific rack – Dimensions 295x220x130 mm
- PISA passive bus, then PICMG 1.3 for the 2nd generation of the system in short board format
- Mobile CPU (Core 2 Duo, then Core i7), 4GB Ram, Video Dual Screen, GbE, 4xCOM,
- SATA RAID (2xHDD in RAID 1), hot-swappable disks,
- Windows XPE platform, then Windows 7, then Windows 10 + system monitoring software
- 24/7 operating in outdoor cabinet
- Integrated remote reset module for restarting the PC via Ethernet
- Maintenance aid: external remote RTC CMOS battery, captive knurled screw, externally accessible fans, removable discs
Recognised as a Tier 1 partner by major OEM, industrial customers and government institutions, ECRIN Systems pays particular attention to designing and supplying innovative, reliable and competitive industrial computers with optimised and respected deadlines.
ECRIN Systems serves a wide variety of markets that have in common a high level of technical and environmental requirements and that grow in a very competitive context. Discover examples of our projects.